For the first time ever, HKU hosts a Student Art Fair on its campus, which opened on April 8, 2013 and will continue with various exhibitions and events until April 20.
One of the exhibitions allows students to write down their “confessions” and hang them on a clothesline for everyone to see. Though they shouldn’t be taken too seriously, they still allow for a nice glimpse into the minds, fears and troubles of HKU students.
Find Culture Shock’s Page and Event on Facebook.
- “I hate Chinese history!”
- “I love Elaine, Jeffrey, Katherine, Jevons, Ariel, WInki, Edmond, Eric, Angus, Mingme, Ernerst, Adelaide, Henry”
- “Remember! 6.4.1989 incident”
- “I hate common core essay”
- “I need a boyfriend” “I want a girlfriend” “Maybe you to should get together” [telephone numbers attached]
- “I hate this school” “Then quit it! Support U!”
- “I have found out lately that there are humbly lonely souls who wished to be loved so much that they become hysterical. I am thoroughly afraid of them. I wonder … what is wrong with them???”
- “I like April, but not May!”
- “I am graduating soon with decent grades. Here’s why: 1) Bulshitting my way through all the ssays by meeting profs regularly (thus creating a good impression) 2) Stealing & copying assignments from assignment boxes the night before deadline =)”
- “I dream in poetry but speak in prose”
- “Love this wonderful campus. Appreciate all of nice HKU staff and nice things … trees”
- “I want a good GPA!”
- “Why do the students here in HKU just memorize all the stuff instead of learning it? It is not a memory competition is it?”
- “I hate student union! Hail Anarchy!” “I think HKUSUS [HKU Student Union] is corrupt and has not done much to improve student welfare”
- “I find the girl I met in the restaurant down the residential college really cute… really cute!!! Well the truth is I find a lot of girls very cute coz I am alone… I hate CAES [Centre for Applied English Studies] a lot which makes me get a below -3 GPA!!!”